How To Remove Sodium From Shrimp

How To Remove Sodium From Shrimp

Welcome to my kitchen! Today I'm going to show you how to remove sodium from shrimp, a process that's easy to do and can make your shrimp much healthier. Let's get started! ## How To Remove Sodium From Shrimp #### Step 1: Soaking the Shrimp The first step in removing sodium from shrimp is to soak them in a bowl of cold water. Let them sit in the water for at least 30 minutes. #### Step 2: Rinse the Shrimp Once the shrimp have been soaking for 30 minutes, rinse them off with cold water. Make sure to discard the water after rinsing. #### Step 3: Place the Shrimp in Boiling Water Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the shrimp and let them cook for 3-5 minutes. #### Step 4: Strain the Shrimp Once the shrimp are done cooking, remove them from the boiling water and strain off the excess water. #### Step 5: Enjoy! Your sodium free shrimp is now ready to be enjoyed!

How To Remove Sodium From Shrimp